Grow your own cut flowers and you can fill your house with the gorgeous colours and heavenly scents of your favourite blooms, knowing that they haven’t travelled thousands of miles – and you can make money while you do it.
Combining boundless passion with down-to-earth guidance and practical advice, Georgie Newbery draws on her own experiences as an artisan flower farmer, florist and educator in the second edition of this definitive guide. The Flower Farmer's Year covers everything, from how to start a cut-flower patch and guidance on what to grow, to cutting, conditioning and presenting cut flowers, and creating a hedgerow for Christmas.
For those interested in selling cut-flowers, the guide includes new chapters on how to start a business, including where to sell cut-flowers, and marketing and social media tips. A fully revised flower farmer's year planner is also provided to make your cut-flower farm as productive as possible.
The Flower Farmers Year
By Georgie Newbery
A fully updated practical guide endorsed by the RHS for anyone wanting to grow cut flowers for pleasure or to start their own business. Material available
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Imprint: Bloomsbury l Extent 256 l Format 234 x 156 l Publishing: Febuary 2026
About the Author
Georgie Newbery is an artisan flower farmer, florist, writer and small business educator, supplying cut flowers direct to customers from her smallholding in Somerset. Georgie is a leading authority on growing cut flowers for a local market and runs courses, workshops and mentoring to flower farmers worldwide. She regularly judges for the RHS and is a junior committee member.
Instagram @commonfarmflowers (41.9k followers)
YouTube @theflowerfarmer (22.2k subscribers, 300 members of the Common Farm Flowers Club £8.99/month)