Can you use up that sad-looking carrot sat in your fridge? How can you make that cold chicken tasty? What can you do with the last dollop of yoghurt?bpThe average household in the UK throws away over a third of the groceries we buy ' accumulating to a staggering '500-worth of edible food per year. By putting this food on your plate, rather than in landfill, you're saving money, eating more creative meals and also helping to reduce that waste that ends up harming our planet.i ii iiThe Use-It-All Cookbooki is packed with ideas for using your leftovers, from the last slice of bread bread to the hard cheese at the back of the fridge. Packed with more than 100 quick and delicious recipes which can be adapted to a variety of leftovers, it covers delicious meals such as soups, stews, pies, and risottos, as well as tasty juices and smoothies.pIt features a user-friendly A-Z of leftover ingredients, and lots of helpful advice on planning, buying and storing food, as well as guidance on food miles, use-by dates, recycling and composting. Food waste in landfill sites is a serious contributor to global warming and with changes in people's shopping habits and fears over food hygiene, food wastage is increasing at a rate of 15% every decade.pWith iThe Use-It-All Cookbooki you can drastically reduce your food waste, save money and do your bit for the planet at the same time.p