The adventures of James Bond have thrilled readers since Ian Fling's novelCasino Royalewas published in 1953, and when the movie ofDr Nowas released in 1962, Bond quickly became the world's favourite secret agent.brbrScience and technology have always been central to the plots that make up the world of Bond, and inuperspycienceKathryn Harkup explores the full range of 007's exploits and the arms, technologies, tactics and downfalls of his various foes. From the practicalities of building a volcano-based lair, to whether being covered in gold paint really will kill you, and ' if your plan is to take over the world ' whether it is better to use bacteria, bombs, or poison ' this book has all the answers and more.brbrCould our favourite Bond villains actually achieve world domination? Were the huge variety of weapons and technology in Bond's arsenal from both the films and books ever actually developed in real life? And would 007 actually escape all those close shaves intact? From the plots to the gadgets to the ludicrous ways that his life is threatened,uperspy Sciencetakes an in-depth look at the scientific world of James Bond.p